
Branden Tighe

this is my brain on canvas

As a kid I always was drawing and painting on things; canvases, notepads, walls and even clothes. Growing up I always had many artistic passions that included making music, acting, drawing and painting. Also, as someone who has dealt with mental health for as long as I can remember, drawing and painting has been the best thing for me. It is my therapy, it is my meditation. It is what keeps me, me.


In 2018 I did a drawing on a friends tote bag. It was a small project for his clothing company, but it really gave me the spark I needed to take my art to the next level. From that moment I was committed to pursing it full time.


It was and still is scary to take that leap of faith, to pursue my dream and to make it happen. However, it has been the most rewarding feeling to say the least. Nothing matches the level of satisfaction I receive when handing a painting over or finishing a mural for a client. This is just the beginning and I’d love for you to join me on the ride!


My name is Branden Tighe, but you can call me tigheyay.

Branden Tighe | Artist | tigheyay